December 21, 2011

Watery Wednesday-Lake Tahoe in November

This past November while Stijn's parents were visiting from Belgium, we took a drive up to Lake Tahoe to give them a glipse of how beautiful it is in the winter.

Kings Beach, Lake Tahoe, California

Stijn's mom and dad

Please join us over at Watery Wednesday to see some more "Watery" pictures from around the World!

December 12, 2011

Christmas in Paris, 2010

I had been to Paris in 1998, but it was just for a day.  Yep that was me...... in one day, out the next!  So how did I get this picture?

While traveling the United States earlier that year we had earned a free 1 night stay with any hotel affiliated with Holiday Inn Express.  Come to find out.....we could stay in Paris!

We had a wonderful cruise on the Seine River the second night we were there that lasted about 1.5 hours.....and we had some great views!

Paris is beautiful no matter how you choose to see it, night or day.

my honey getting me some hot wine to enjoy while strolling the Christmas Market

This is my first post to "Mellow Yellow Monday".

Who knew?


October 14, 2011

Skywatch Friday - Moon over Las Vegas

A few weeks ago we went to Desert Breeze Park to watch the Cycle Cross International competition and I happened to catch the rising of the moon.  I took a ton of pictures trying to capture this spectacular scene with the Stratusphere Hotel/Casino trying to reach for the moon!

I think I got one.....or two!

I am particapating in Skywatch Friday and hope that you will stop by and see some more great sky pictures!

October 4, 2011

Ruby Tuesday - Koln/Cologne Germany

No, I am not in Koln at this moment, however, when visiting this past March I saw these "Red" trains and had this meme in mind.  Just took me awhile to finally share them!

I will write a story soon about our train ride from Brussels to this amazing city once things settle down around here!  I promise!

Get your "Red" fix by visiting "Ruby Tuesday"

September 20, 2011

Watery Wednesday - Coast of California

We had a wonderful trip camping up the coast of California and Oregon this past August and saw some beautiful scenery.  It was so relaxing to camp on the beach and fall asleep to the sound of the waves.

This is a picture I took on our first morning after a long overdue well deserved good nights sleep!

Where is this little piece of heaven you ask?  It's just 15 miles north of Fort Bragg in the tiny little coastal town of Westport Beach on the Mendocino coast.

Please take a moment and see some more great Watery photos from all around the World!  Just click here.

August 30, 2011

Watery Wednesday - A Whale of a Tale

It's time for me to try and get back into the groove of things as it relates to the blogging world and sharing my travels with all of you!

I just got back from a week of traveling and camping up the coast of California and Oregon, and after many years of trying to see a whale, it finally happened last week!!!

I zoomed in on this whale while camping on the beach just north of Fort Bragg California.  Turns out there has been a pod of these beauties hanging out in this area for a couple of months now.

Please take the time to see some more fascinating "Watery" pictures from around the World by clicking HERE.

June 1, 2011

Watery Wednesday - Ireland

A few "Watery" pictures from my trip to Ireland in 2003.

These pictures were taken at Powerscourt just outside of Dublin.

I am participating in "Watery Wednesday" with a whole lot of other people who have posted some amazing "Watery" shots!  Stop by and get wet!

May 25, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Let me apologize for not posting any stories lately of my travels while in Europe during the last 5 months.  But on May 12th I headed back to Las Vegas and I have been busy with doctors appointments, grandson's baseball games, catching up with friends and just general sprucing up around the house.

And now I have a wedding to plan!!!  Yes, Stijn and I will be married on July 9th, so plenty to get done before the big day!

I hope you will forgive me for being absent for so long and I promise I will have some more great stories about my trip, like our getaways to Paris, la Clusaz and Wimereux France, and Cologne Germany.

There's no place like home!

May 6, 2011

SkyWatch Friday - Wintery Sunrise

In February 2005 I was on my way to Oregon from Las Vegas for the Seafood Wine Festival in Newport.  I spent my first night in Susanville California and the next morning while driving on Highway 89, I couldn't resist pulling off to the side of the road and taking this picture.

I am participating in "SkyWatch Friday".  Join in the fun by clicking HERE

May 3, 2011

Durbuy, The Smallest Town On Earth!

A couple of weekends ago, we drove southeast of Brussels to a beautiful little place in the "Ardennes".  Durbuy's residents (only about 350) have dubbed themselves "The Smallest Town on Earth" .  But I must tell you, this little hamlet is packed with wonderful narrow cobblestone streets lined with shops and restaurants, and a castle that stands magestically on the banks of the Ourthe River.

The Ardennes is a region of Belgium you MUST visit when you're here.  The drive through this lush countryside just kept me saying, "oooh and awe" and sighing.

And a "Cheese Route"!!!!  Oh my, I'm in Heaven!

Must get to "Durbuy" though because we have plans to do some kayaking down the Ourthe River.  But first a little walk through this town where time seems to have stood still.

Oh if I could just figure out how to get some of this stuff back home to Las Vegas.

There were so many great options for lunch with all the wonderful umbrella covered terraces.  But I think we made a great choice!

After lunch we made our way to "LPM" where we rented ourselves a kayak for 10 euros each and started out on our 1 hour trip down the Ourthe River.

I've done some kayaking before, but never past a castle!

This little day trip was just what the doctor ordered, so peaceful and beautiful and relaxing!

And of course I have more pictures of our day for you to see.  Just click here "Where's Debbie" and then click on the album "Durbuy"

April 27, 2011

Watery Wednesday - Everything Is Wet in Oregon

click picture to enlarge

I found this picture in one of my folders titled "Oregon August 2005".  Imagine my excitement when I saw this picture with the water droplets on the spider web.  Perfect for Watery Wednesday!!  I think it looks a little bit like glass beads.

There are many more people sharing their Watery shots over at "Watery Wednesday".  Click here and take a look!

April 22, 2011

SkyWatch Friday - Just Hang'in Out in Australia

On my 2nd home exchange to Australia in May 2009 I joined up with the Bushwalkers Club and took a hike through the Australian Rainforest.  Above our heads I could hear this crazy screeching and asked "What kind of bird is that?"

"Look up, Debbie.  Way up in the tops of the trees, towards the sky", someone said to me.  Holy smoly.....bats!!!  This picture doesn't do these guys justice.  They were HUGE!!!

How many bats do you see?

Keep looking towards the sky, you never know what you might see.  And if you like looking up, make sure and stop by "SkyWatch Friday" and see what else is "Up".

April 20, 2011

Watery Wednesday - Hiking in Washington

I don't remember exactly where this waterfall is.....just that this is what I came across when taking a little hike while on a home exchange on the Hood Canal in Washington back in 2007.

Be sure and check out some other great photos over at "Watery Wednesday".

April 18, 2011

Floralia Brussels

Spring has "sprung" here in Belgium, and what better way to enjoy all the colours that this season has to offer then to make a visit to one of the most spectaular gardens I've ever seen.  No, we didn't go to the Nederlands to see the tulips in bloom at the "Kuekenhof Gardens" like thousands of other people do.  Instead, this past Saturday we took the train just about 5 miles to the outskirts of Brussels to a place called "Kasteel van Groot-Bijgaarden". 

 First built in the XIIth century, it is surrounded by a broad moat, its deep waters reflecting the centuries-old beech trees. A five-arch bridge,  crosses over to the drawbridge leading to the fortified entrance dating back to the XIVth century. The castle itself, built in the XVIIth century, is a wonderful example of the Flemish Renaissance.

There are over one million bulbs of tulips, hyacinths, daffodils and others, planted on over 35 acres.  Oh My! 

So a little warning.  I took over 200 pictures and no, I won't post them all.  Just some of my very favorites.  Enjoy!

This was my absolute favorite tulip!

I don't have the names of all the different varities, so just enjoy the show!

The picture below is Stijn standing at the top of the heart that you see in the picture above.

There were also azalea's throughout the gardens

And these hyacinths smelled soooo sweet!

I know, I know, how pictures can one take of flowers?

I just love this daffodil!

Thank you for taking the time to "Stop and enjoy the beauty of Spring"

There are many more pictures and you can see them by visiting "Where's Debbie" in the album "Floralia Brussels"