October 4, 2011

Ruby Tuesday - Koln/Cologne Germany

No, I am not in Koln at this moment, however, when visiting this past March I saw these "Red" trains and had this meme in mind.  Just took me awhile to finally share them!

I will write a story soon about our train ride from Brussels to this amazing city once things settle down around here!  I promise!

Get your "Red" fix by visiting "Ruby Tuesday"


  1. Perfect for Ruby Tuesday, Debbie... Love those red trains!

    When is your next big trip? Did you say that you all are moving to Reno????


  2. I used to spend summers with my Grandmother in Albuquerque New Mexico. It's a town surrounded by the Sandia Mountains where you could see the snow on the crest in the summertime.


Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I love reading your comments!

Have a Fabulous Day!