December 21, 2011

Watery Wednesday-Lake Tahoe in November

This past November while Stijn's parents were visiting from Belgium, we took a drive up to Lake Tahoe to give them a glipse of how beautiful it is in the winter.

Kings Beach, Lake Tahoe, California

Stijn's mom and dad

Please join us over at Watery Wednesday to see some more "Watery" pictures from around the World!


  1. Oh, it's gorgeous in the winter, Debbie!
    Stijn's parents sure look like nice people. How super to have them come for a visit.
    Wishing you and Stijn all that's good for the holiday season, and more in the coming year.
    Luv, Kay and Dick and Lindy

  2. You are right, Tahoe is beautiful in winter. I love the rocky shore. - Margy

  3. I'm not sure I've seen pictures of Lake Tahoe in winter before. It definitely is beautiful. I'm glad you could show Stijn's parents around.

  4. Wow Debbie.... Great pictures of Kings Beach... My brother and wife used to spend some time with friends at Lake Tahoe. I've never been there...

    Looks cold though--at least in November... Do you think that Stijn's parents will move to the USA from Belgium????

    Merry Christmas.

  5. Lake Tahoe in November is very beautiful. Happy New Year. Mickie ;)

  6. So beautiful...Wish i could be here one day...:)

  7. Wonderful shots, very picturesque.

  8. Hi Debbie,
    My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
    I was looking for blogs about Kings Beach to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you...we'd love to promote your blog!


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Have a Fabulous Day!