December 12, 2011

Christmas in Paris, 2010

I had been to Paris in 1998, but it was just for a day.  Yep that was me...... in one day, out the next!  So how did I get this picture?

While traveling the United States earlier that year we had earned a free 1 night stay with any hotel affiliated with Holiday Inn Express.  Come to find out.....we could stay in Paris!

We had a wonderful cruise on the Seine River the second night we were there that lasted about 1.5 hours.....and we had some great views!

Paris is beautiful no matter how you choose to see it, night or day.

my honey getting me some hot wine to enjoy while strolling the Christmas Market

This is my first post to "Mellow Yellow Monday".

Who knew?



  1. Welcome to MYM, Deb. I love your Paris photos.
    I was on the Oregon coast this month, so I'm going to check all my photos for something yellow to post today!
    Great to see you.

  2. Lovely shots! It must be fun travelling like this! Perhaps Norway is at your list too?
    Happy Tuesday to you!

  3. Lovely shots of the Christmas market and the ethereal looking Eiffel Tower. I was there in early December about 5 years ago but unfortunately missed the markets by a day or two. Hope you are keeping ok.

  4. I like all your pictures. The first one I clicked on did it the old way and I clicked and it got bigger again like mine do. Good I said she hasn't changed. Next one went to the slide show thing. I like being able to look close at people's pictures including my own. The Eiffel Tower in the fog like it was needed closer inspection.

  5. Your photos of the Eiffel Tower are wonderful. I really like the color in the photos and the fact that the top is lost in mist. I think it's wonderful that you got the opportunity to visit Paris a second time.

  6. I really love all the photo you post specially the night view of paris, it's beautiful.

  7. Hi Debbie, Just stopping by to say Merry Christmas to you and yours.

    Love that picture of you with Santa in your header.... Hope you are still feeling well.



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Have a Fabulous Day!