April 18, 2011

Floralia Brussels

Spring has "sprung" here in Belgium, and what better way to enjoy all the colours that this season has to offer then to make a visit to one of the most spectaular gardens I've ever seen.  No, we didn't go to the Nederlands to see the tulips in bloom at the "Kuekenhof Gardens" like thousands of other people do.  Instead, this past Saturday we took the train just about 5 miles to the outskirts of Brussels to a place called "Kasteel van Groot-Bijgaarden". 

 First built in the XIIth century, it is surrounded by a broad moat, its deep waters reflecting the centuries-old beech trees. A five-arch bridge,  crosses over to the drawbridge leading to the fortified entrance dating back to the XIVth century. The castle itself, built in the XVIIth century, is a wonderful example of the Flemish Renaissance.

There are over one million bulbs of tulips, hyacinths, daffodils and others, planted on over 35 acres.  Oh My! 

So a little warning.  I took over 200 pictures and no, I won't post them all.  Just some of my very favorites.  Enjoy!

This was my absolute favorite tulip!

I don't have the names of all the different varities, so just enjoy the show!

The picture below is Stijn standing at the top of the heart that you see in the picture above.

There were also azalea's throughout the gardens

And these hyacinths smelled soooo sweet!

I know, I know, how pictures can one take of flowers?

I just love this daffodil!

Thank you for taking the time to "Stop and enjoy the beauty of Spring"

There are many more pictures and you can see them by visiting "Where's Debbie" in the album "Floralia Brussels"


  1. Hi Debbie, All I can say is WOW. Looks a little like my blog post today, doesn't it? Spring is such a fabulous time of the year. I enjoyed seeing all of the flowers in Belgium... THANKS.

  2. WOW! The flowers -- and the setting -- are gorgeous. I don't think it's possible to take too many pictures of flowers.
    Last week we went to the Biltmore Estate near Asheville, North Carolina, and enjoyed many of these same blossoms.

  3. Fabulous, Debbie. We saw Keukenhof the day after opening day, so it wasn't particularly spectacular. I'd love to have seen this garden with you. Gorgeous! I love the hyacinths in particular, plus some of those tulips that look like day-lilies! Wonderful.
    Hi to Stijn from both of us.
    Luv, K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. Oh be still my heart!!! Such a wonderful lovely and beautiful post! I can understand just why you took hundreds of photos. I bet it was very difficult to just pick a few for your blog. I especially loved the one with the castle and the rich, vibrant orange-red tulips in the foreground. Wow. ALL OF THEM!!!

    Thanks for visiting with me yesterday. Always love having your company.

    My Tuesday Post:

    A new Cat

    Hope your day is treating you well.

  5. Such a lovely place! Those flowers are just awesome! Thank you for sharing!

    World of Vhincci

  6. Good stuff!! The colors are so vibrant. I would love to get inside that building. Did you?

  7. Is it okey to say I am envious?? Hehe!! I so love that tulips the yellow one because I haven't seen like that even here in Holland, Michigan were they have more than 200 varieties of tulips. Just so beautiful and a wow!! Thanks for the visit too!

  8. Very beautiful flowers. Fabulous variety.

  9. This is a wonderful location and the variety and colours of flowers are amazing. Lovely photos.

  10. Hello There - I thoroughly enjoyed the photos of the flowers - aah, I love the growth of Spring. Thank you for sharing.
    p.s. I am new to blogging, hope u might take a peek at mine :)
    I started just over two weeks ago.

  11. How I would love to see this place. Looks like heaven on earth.


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Have a Fabulous Day!