June 1, 2011

Watery Wednesday - Ireland

A few "Watery" pictures from my trip to Ireland in 2003.

These pictures were taken at Powerscourt just outside of Dublin.

I am participating in "Watery Wednesday" with a whole lot of other people who have posted some amazing "Watery" shots!  Stop by and get wet!


  1. Lovely fountain shot. Ireland is still on my "bucket list".

    I appreciate your following me & am happily following you too!

  2. As I understand it, Ireland is pretty watery even without fountains. LOL
    Hi from Dick backatcha, and hi to Stijn from us. You must be getting pretty excited by now, a month and a bit to go!
    Luv — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. Wow! Would love to get wet as its very hot n humid ard here in N. India.
    Lovely shots!

  4. Beautiful fountain shots. Love Dublin, have been there many times in my youth. Wet and beautiful.
    NICE :)
    Thanks for sharing - Lilly

  5. Lovely pictures. I just read your "home sweet home" post and I see why you have not been posting recently. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. Mickie :)

  6. You're lucky , you get to visit different places, different countries... :) That was a beautiful Ireland!

    World of Vhincci

  7. Wow, this brings back a few memories! I was born in Ireland, and went to school there. As one of your commenters said, there's plenty of scope for watery pictures almost anywhere in Ireland. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I love reading your comments!

Have a Fabulous Day!