April 27, 2011

Watery Wednesday - Everything Is Wet in Oregon

click picture to enlarge

I found this picture in one of my folders titled "Oregon August 2005".  Imagine my excitement when I saw this picture with the water droplets on the spider web.  Perfect for Watery Wednesday!!  I think it looks a little bit like glass beads.

There are many more people sharing their Watery shots over at "Watery Wednesday".  Click here and take a look!


  1. Webs with misty dew are always sooooooo very artistic.

    Here's my Watery Link for the day:
    Skipping Rocks Sculpture and Fountain

    Have a super duper day!!!

  2. cool capture. It's amazing how such an icky bug can make such a cool web.

  3. Hi Debbie, I don't know about Oregon's weather this year, but, as you know, we have really been WET recently. Yes, they are great for Watery Wednesday...

    Great photo.

  4. Beautiful, Debbie. Perfect for Watery Wednesday. You have just inspired me to try WW. Living in the desert part of the prairie, I don't often think of watery anythings, but of course we've just returned from Europe, where there's plenty of water. (Hi to Stijn, hi from Dick to both of you.)
    Luv, K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. This is a superb picture of the raindrops in the spider web. Very well done. I also like your header very much.

  6. Great capture of droplets on the spider web. Have a wonderful week!

  7. Debbie, Lovely shot of the spiderweb--I like the waterfall in a previous post too. No, those tulips are not in my yard--Wichita Botanical Gardens gets credit for them. I do have lots of peonies, irises, and roses in my yard that will be blooming soon. Have a great weekend. Mickie :)

  8. I just love this Debbie! Such a nice scene from nature... :)

    World of Vhincci


  9. Interesting to know about this town, I have been to Belgium but I had not known about this place. Thanks for showing us!


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Have a Fabulous Day!