March 13, 2013

I Have A New Blog!

As some of you may or may not know I moved to Reno Nevada just over a year ago after being diagnosed with Melanoma Level 4 and I have been very busy with my new life here.

I know I haven't been very diligent with posts about my travels and I would try and sneak in a post now and then.  And worst of all, after visiting your blogs, I would just read and run without leaving a comment about how much I enjoyed your stories and experiences.  Something all of us bloggers love!  Comments!!

Some of my posts here have included some of the things I've seen and done since moving to Reno.  And these posts have been the driving force behind starting my new blog!

Oh I will continue to share my travel stories with you here and hope that you will continue to follow me and leave comments.

But I am also hoping you will take a look at my new blog "Here Is Why I Love Living In Reno"

I would love to have you as a follower and read your comments!  I also would love any tips you might have on how to make my new blog as great as yours!  Betsy from "Joyous Reflections" has given me a few suggestions and I have taken her advice and made those changes!  Thank you, Betsy!!

So I hope you come on by and see why "I Love Living In Reno"!

You can click this link "Here Is Why I Love Living In Reno" and read all about "Why"


  1. Debbie, I've been out of touch for some time but your blog came right to mind when another blogging friend just posted wondering if anyone can help her with info/ideas on trading homes. She is Rosaria from sixtyfivewhatnow blog (a Blog of Note). I am sending her your way.

    In the meantime, I am stunned to read about your health, but so curious about your having moved to hometown. I am heading to your new blog to become a follower. Right. Now. :)

    1. Lydia,
      Thank you for thinking of me and following my new blog!
      I am always happy to help anyone who is interested in home exchanging!
      My health is great! I just received a clean bill of health from my oncologist! All scans and blood work were outstanding! He told me to just keep doing whatever it is I'm doing....because it's working!!

  2. Debbie~ Thank you so much for checking in on Rosaria at her blog. I bet she was stunned by all the info you gave in one short paragraph! Just super of you.

    The news about your health is Wonderful! I am so glad to read this, a happy way to begin the weekend for me and the rest of your (long) life for you!
    Will stay in touch.


Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I love reading your comments!

Have a Fabulous Day!