September 28, 2012

SkyWatch Friday - Sunset at Seaside

I spent the last 2 weeks visiting one of my favorite States.....Oregon!

I never tire of traveling the coast of Oregon and this last trip is another good reason why!

This trip was a girls getaway with my dear long time friend Suzy from Tonopah.  We had a blast visiting old friends and spending time with her mother.  We made several little trips all over Oregon, which of course included the coast!  And believe this or not, we actually went to a part of the Oregon Coast that I had never seen!!  I know crazy huh???

I've been on the very South Coast of Oregon at the California boarder and only as far North as Tillamook.  So visiting Seaside for the very first time was an absolute thrill!

Now I've seen some pretty amazing sunsets during my travels.  Unforgettable Fiji, beautiful Lake Tahoe, and nothing like a sunset in Africa.  But I tell you, the colors in this paticular sunset where unforgettable!

Now watch the colors change as the sunsets


The perfect ending to a perfect day in Seaside!
I have written this little story in conjuction with participating in SkyWatch Friday.
Just a little note.....these pictures were taken SOOC with no filters!!


  1. Wow wow wow - amazing and beautiful! Magnificent shots.

  2. Gorgeous sunset shots. Love the little changes in each sequence.

  3. Wonderful sunset photos, Debbie. I love the coast of Oregon, too, and spent some time on the central coast with a girlfriend a couple of years ago. The sunsets were, indeed, spectacular.
    Right now I'm hoping to see some Northern Lights, but with only a couple of nights left in northern Alberta, I'm beginning to despair. I'll just have to come back another time when Dick has a business trip up here. Meanwhile, we're missing our Lindy and can hardly wait to get home, pick her up from where she's holidaying with friends, and do some serious dog-cuddling.
    Hugs to both of you from both of us.

  4. these are incredibly beautiful!
    amazing shots.

  5. Amazing sequence. Wonderful colors.

  6. Wonderful series!! I love watching the sky change as the sun sets!! The first shot is still my favourite, though, with that pathway on the water!!

  7. I am "wowed" as well!!

    Good to see a post from you.

  8. What a gorgeous sunset! I love how you've showed it sequentially with all of the different colours :)

  9. Oh My Heart..... That sunset is AWESOME.... I've never been to the Oregon coast before ---but hope to get there someday!!!! It's beautiful. I'm sure you had a wonderful trip.
    Just sent you an email... are you still hotmail????

  10. Nice pics of sunset..I too love walking around seaside. Really like the place.
    Thanks for posting the pics.

  11. Wow,. amazing sunset! Nice clicks.

  12. I've always loved the Oregon coast, too. I have a friend who moved there from the Bay Area in California, and I stayed with her a couple of years ago. Yes, the sunsets are amazing. You really caught some great colors! We never had sunsets like that in southwestern British Columbia because Vancouver Island lay between us and the ocean proper.


Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I love reading your comments!

Have a Fabulous Day!