April 1, 2013


Well the time has come when I have to start using the Verification option for the wonderful comments that all my followers leave.

It seems that some people don't have any better way to spend their time like we all do.  Come on you guys (or whatever you are) get out and travel, see the sights, enjoy the beauty, go have a cup of coffee, take a walk in the park!

So to those of you who dislike Comment Verification, I apologize full heartily.  But some really nasty comments have been left on my blog and I don't want anyone to be offended when they come across such comments.

I don't want to close this blog, so this is the first step to try and keep those who have nothing better to do with their lives from posting unrelated comments to my stories.

I hope you continue to follow and read about my travels....and keep leaving me your wonderful comments!

I love reading about your thoughts and I cherish each and everyone of you!!


  1. If only it wasn't hard but they make it so and they don't have to. It's what you have to do.

  2. Others have had to do the same thing in the last few days, Debbie, so I'm thinking the bored and benumbed blog-scammers are coming up along with the spring bulbs.
    Too bad.
    Hope you two are both well.
    Luv, K

  3. I always moderate. Sometimes I get pages and pages of spam and hate when it offers porn!!

  4. It's a shame when people think that this is a platform for unrelated advertisements or comments. You are an inspiration for getting people to move outside their comfort zone.
    Looks like you need to do whatever I'm about to sign or tick next :-)


Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I love reading your comments!

Have a Fabulous Day!