December 21, 2011

Watery Wednesday-Lake Tahoe in November

This past November while Stijn's parents were visiting from Belgium, we took a drive up to Lake Tahoe to give them a glipse of how beautiful it is in the winter.

Kings Beach, Lake Tahoe, California

Stijn's mom and dad

Please join us over at Watery Wednesday to see some more "Watery" pictures from around the World!

December 12, 2011

Christmas in Paris, 2010

I had been to Paris in 1998, but it was just for a day.  Yep that was me...... in one day, out the next!  So how did I get this picture?

While traveling the United States earlier that year we had earned a free 1 night stay with any hotel affiliated with Holiday Inn Express.  Come to find out.....we could stay in Paris!

We had a wonderful cruise on the Seine River the second night we were there that lasted about 1.5 hours.....and we had some great views!

Paris is beautiful no matter how you choose to see it, night or day.

my honey getting me some hot wine to enjoy while strolling the Christmas Market

This is my first post to "Mellow Yellow Monday".

Who knew?
