After lunch we headed back out in the rain and continued walking through the cobblestone streets of Brugge. But first, right across the street is this wonderful Belgian chocolate shop!

There was a lot of great action, but neither team could seem to make a goal during the first half of the game. And then it happens. Club Brugge scores in the second half and wins the game 1-0! And the crowd goes wild!!!
I will never forget this experience and the fun I had watching a professional football game for the first time. So for me, this was definitely a Treat!
There are more pictures of the game at "Where's Debbie". Just click on the album "Club Brugge"
Special note here; This is the fastest I have ever been served a meal!
It's a beautiful night, so after dinner as we take a walk through the narrow cobbled streets of Brussels we come upon this great place called "Le Crachin" where they serve nothing but crepes! It's time for dessert, right? This tiny little place was also very narrow with a view of the kitchen at the back. They also had two huge chalk boards with the menu of drinks and crepes, one in French and one in Dutch.
I decide on the "Pommes caramelisees, flambee au Grand Marnier".
Mmmmm! Apples caramelized and flambayed with Grand Marnier is much better than a birthday cake!
And then Stijn says I have a couple of more birthday surprises to come this week. Hmmm, wonder what they could be?
To see more pictures of our night click here on "Where's Debbie" and then click on the album "Belgian Style Birthday"
I do love riding downhill though. But there's just something about a slippery dirt 22% grade that just doesn't appeal to me at all.
It seems though that the cows didn't find this very interesting at all.
But in the end Beerlanders Beernem beat us 3-2.
Tomorrow is another big day. We are headed to Oudenaarde for the Koppenbergcross Cycle Race 2009!
To see more pictures of the game just click here "Where's Debbie" and then click on the album "Volleyball in Belgium"
Then to make it even more difficult, "Degustation Gratuite" (free samples) of more breads in the produce section.
Then there is the fresh seafood section filled with shrimp, crab, mussels and all different types of fish I have never seen or heard of before.