I am finally back in Belgium! I haven't been here since this past January. (you can read about that trip on my older posts "Europe In 30 Days").
Why am I so excited? Because Belgium is where my honey lives, Stijn, and I haven't seen him since this past June/July when he was visiting me in Las Vegas.
And now the story begins on Oct 23 when I land in Brussels at 8:05am and we hit the ground running!
Stijn has a volleyball game on Saturday, so after freshening up we head out to Stijn's parents home which is in the beautiful countryside of West Flanders. Moorsele is a picturesque little village with grazing cows, farm fields and windmills.

While on our way we stop to take a walk through the streets of Lessines.

After we arrive and settle in Stijn asks if I thought it would be a good idea to go to France and pick up some groceries. Ummm, okay. France? Sure! So we get back in the car and within 2 minutes, I'm in France!
We are shopping at Auchan, the BIGGEST one-stop shopping center I have ever seen! Bigger than Super WalMart people!
Let me first apologize before I go on with this story. There is probably going to be way too many pictures for some of you. But I feel this is the only way for you to truly appreciate how much fun I had shopping for groceries in France!
Now there wasn't anything too special about your typical electronics, housewares, clothing, and automotive sections but when you get to the grocery section, this is when you're reminded that you aren't in Kansas anymore Toto! Oh yes you have your typical isles filled with items to put in your pantry, but what about "La Boulangerie" (The Bakery) with breads piled high and so many different types. I just hate it when Stijn says "You choose honey"

Then to make it even more difficult, "Degustation Gratuite" (free samples) of more breads in the produce section.
Then there is the fresh seafood section filled with shrimp, crab, mussels and all different types of fish I have never seen or heard of before.

And then we hit the wine isle, I mean the wine isles and isles. Then just when you might think there are to many isles of wine, they've added "La Cave" (the cellar) God love France!

Now you know I love my wine, any wine, white or red. But do I know which wine goes best with pasta or cheese. No! But thanks to these great little charts I now know what type of wine I want with my cheese!

But how do I decide which cheese I want with all these choices? And then I hear "You choose honey".

Well all I can say is "Wow"! What a great way to spend my first day "Back In Belgium"
If you would like to see more pictures of my first day click here "Where's Debbie" and then click on the album "Back In Belgium"
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