April 15, 2011

SkyWatch Friday - Rainbows

Lake Tahoe, Nevada
Central Oregon
You have to look really hard for this one
Niagara Falls
I love taking pictures of rainbows while traveling.  Nope, still haven't found that pot of gold!

Head on over to SkyWatch for some more pictures of the sky!


  1. Now those are some beautiful pictures. I love the rainbows and how they indicate the end of a storm. Great pictures - may all your storms of life end with rainbows.

  2. Hi there, I am returning your visit to News From Italy which was much appreciated, thanks for taking the time to comment. I love any sort of sky photos, but these three of rainbows are delightful. good to meet you. By the way did you intend to label Stonehenge as Stonehedge, as it is quite apt somehow? :)

  3. Beautiful rainbows, Debbie. I especially like that last one going into the water. Too bad you haven't found that pot of gold.

  4. Hmm, something tells me you have your pot of gold in Belgium. I wonder why I think that?
    Just back this afternoon, exhausted and jet-lagged, but happy to be home with our dog.
    Hi to Stijn from both of us.
    Luv, K

  5. Gorgeous!

    My Sky Watch, please come and see. Have a nice weekend!

  6. Great rainbows, especially the one in Oregon! Thanks for stopping by my Sky Watch.

  7. This is a beautiful collection of rainbows. Keep looking -- you might find that pot of gold yet.


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Have a Fabulous Day!