March 18, 2011

Boston Getaway - Part 2 - Acorn Street

On Beacon Hill, located on the North side of Boston Common, is a small lane called "Acorn Street"

This adorable, very European, cobblestone thoroughfare was built in the late1820's.

We found mention of this picturesque little street in our Boston guidebook and decided that we needed to see this!  While walking the streets on Beacon Hill, I felt like I was in Ireland again, it's crazy!  But then as most of you know, many Irish immigrants came to this area.

Acorn Street is also often mentioned as the most frequently photographed street in the United States.  I was only able to snap a couple of pictures as the sun set and the moon rose.

There are a few more pictures at "Where's Debbie" in the album "Boston Getaway-Acorn Street"


  1. Wow, Debbie, great photos of what looks like a fantastic place to see right here in the states! I will definitely see it if/when I visit my cousin who lives in Boston. :)

  2. Beautiful place! I love the fourth picture... Great shot! :)

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  3. Ohhhhhhhhhh, so picturesque! Like it's right out of London. Something from the White Chapel District, even tho that IS a 'bad' area of London...or let me put it this way, like Dicken's Tale of Two Cities...Boston and London. Oh well, I WAS on a roll...but lost it at White Chapel.

    Have a glorious weekend.

  4. This may be the most photographed street in the I
    U. S., but I doubt that it has ever been photographed any better. Thanks for taking us along as you strolled this charming street.

  5. never been to boston and now you've made me wanna go to. love the last pic.


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Have a Fabulous Day!