March 14, 2011

Blue Monday - Venice Beach California

I was going through some old files of my pictures to maybe try a post for "Blue Monday".  I came across these pictures that I took while visiting Venice Beach, California in April 2008.  It seems that "Blue" is  everywhere you look!

A street entertainer on Venice's Ocean Front Walk decked out in "Blue"

Some great little shops with just a touch of blue.  But look at that "Blue" sky!

The gorgous "Blue" Pacific Ocean

And of course a great "Blue" bikini while enjoying it all!

Click "Blue Monday" to see some more "Blue" from some "Blue" photographers


  1. Blue IS everywhere we look!

    Happy Blue Monday, Debbie.

  2. Beautiful place, and beautiful you!
    I haven't been to Venice Beach although I've traveled in and through California a lot. Really enjoyed your pictures.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. This looks like a fun place to spend a sunny day.

  4. the blue ocean is nice... :) i have a new url/address for my blog... visit me @ - Vhincci

    You can refollow me by unfollowing then following me again... Thank you!

  5. You've shared a wonderful collection of 'blue' images with us. It's great to have old files to turn to for inspiration from time to time.

  6. Dreaming of warmer weather here looking at these shots. I know my blog would have dried up in February if I didn't have my small digital archive. The Gingerbread court looks like an interesting place to go.

  7. Great post, even you are wearing blue! :-)


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Have a Fabulous Day!