February 23, 2011

Watery Wednesday - Reflections of Rumbeke

We had a nice day here in Belgium a few days ago and decided to take a walk and get some excercise.

We drove about only 10 minutes from Stijn's family home, parked the car, and this is what I saw!

Rumbeke Castle (Dutch: Kasteel van Rumbeke), in Rumbeke in West Flanders, is one of the oldest Renaissance architecture castles of Belgium.

Castle Rumbeke was built in 1538 and for centuries was owned by the count, Thomas de Thiennes and his wife Margareta d'Harméricourt.  The castle of Rumbeke suffered damage during the invasion of Flanders by French king Louis XIV, as well as during the French Revolution and in both world wars more than a century later. In fact, during World War I, it was taken over by the Germans and became for a short period of time, the home of Baron Manfred von Richthofen, better known as the Red Baron, who was credited with shooting down 80 enemy aircraft in his brightly painted red airplane.

Although most of the building was built during the Renaissance period, on the site of a very much older fortress, it gained some slightly Neoclassical features after its renovation during the 18th century.

During those renovations, the adjacent forest, the Sterrebos or the Star Forest, was added to its grounds. The forest was modelled after the Prater park in Vienna.

Did you ever see the movie "That Lucky Touch"?  I haven't but maybe now I will.  It's a comedy which was partially shot in Rumbeke in 1975, starring Roger Moore and Shelley Winters.

I'm particapating in Watery Wednesday.  So please be sure to see some other fascinating watery pictures over at "Watery Wednesday" 


  1. I have no plans of traveling to Europe but if I did the major reason would be to get into buildings and castles like these. Have plenty fun!!

  2. This is a beautiful castle and I love the reflections you captured in your first two photos. I would love to see this place in person.

  3. Gorgeous place, and wonderful photos, Debbie.
    A movie in 1975 would have been perfect timing for me, one of my very good years, but I didn't see it. Roger Moore would have been lovely to look at then, and Shelley Winters makes me think of a lighthearted comedy.
    So...I planned to send you an e-mail sometime today, so E you later.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. Thank you again for taking me along on some your wonderful trips. This is the only way I will ever get to see them.I enjoy you sharing your travels with us.

  5. A great building and superb reflection. I wonder if there is hidden meaning on why the door is painted red.

  6. Very nice. The reflections are perfect. I think this castle would be wonderful to visit at any time of the year! Thanks for stopping by at my WW. Enjoy the weekend.

  7. The castle is beautiful - especially the watery reflections.


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