February 20, 2011

Shadow Sunday - Shadows in the Snow

No, this isn't me! 

Stijn's brother, Dries (pronounced drees) is the snowboarder.

I took these pictures just two weeks ago while we were on a ski trip to le Clusaz France.
While I watched from the terrace of a lodge sipping on some vin chaud, (that would be hot wine people, my idea of a ski vacation) I zoomed in on Dries and captured these shadow shots.

I'm participating in "Shadow Sunday" where you can see some more great Shadow Shots!


  1. Lovely blog -will make sure to come by more often :)

  2. Excellent....the 2nd photo...the shadow reminds me of King Kong atop the Empire State Building.

    My Shadow Shot Dolphin Art

    Thanks for visiting with me.

  3. Nice Shadow Shot Pictures!! The second picture looks like he is about to fall. Great shots. Thanks for sharing!!

  4. You've captured a couple great shadows in these photos. Obviously the wine didn't affect your photographer's eye.

  5. Great "snowboarding" shadows. Amazing photo for your header too. Home exchange--sounds like a great way to travel and have a place to stay.


Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I love reading your comments!

Have a Fabulous Day!