November 15, 2010

We Made It to Our 1st Home Exchange.....In Tennessee, That Is

Over 2,000 miles and 5 days later, we arrived in Kodak, Tennessee to begin what was the first of two home exchanges we will be doing while visiting this beautiful State.

I'll tell you, this is just what the doctor ordered after 4 months of surgeries and cancer treatments for the Melanoma that was discovered this past June.......a beautiful cabin with nothing but windows and a huge deck with a hot tub.

But nothing compared to the amazing views of "Douglas Lake" and the "Great Smoky Mountains"

You couldn't escape the views, no matter what room you were in............

We enjoyed a nice relaxing evening, Stijn in the hot tub and me just enjoying the view

And just when I thought the views couldn't possibly get any better, I woke up to this the next morning.

A great way to start the day, wouldn't you say?   It's going to be a great day!

I have some more pictures of this beautiful place at "Where's Debbie".  Just click on the album "We Made It" when you get there!


  1. I'm glad you made it to eastern Tennessee and that we were able to arrange for a beautiful sunrise to start your stay. Your photos of the sunrise are wonderful.

  2. What a great view and some special pictures that you have captured.

  3. I have some friends who moved to Tennessee a few years ago and they absolutely love it. I'm glad you are having a good time :-)


  4. wow.... it beautiful. you are very blessed


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Have a Fabulous Day!