November 13, 2010

Stylish Blogger

I was quite surprised to see two lovely blogs awarded me with the Stylish blogger Award!  I would like to acknowledge Light, Liberty, and Learning and From My Somewhat Serious Mind for their thoughtfulness! Thanks ladies for passing the award on to me....

The rules of blogging world indicate I must share 7 things about myself, and choose 15 other Stylish blogs to receive recognition. First, about myself:

  • I LOVE to case you haven't noticed
  • I retired at the age of 45
  • I have 4 grandsons that I adore
  • Wine please!
  • Yes, I'll have cheese with that
  • My favorite season is fall
  • I want to be on the Amazing Race!
Now for those wonderful blogs you should go check out RIGHT NOW!

These are some wonderful blogs with great variety! You will find inspiration, humor, beautiful photos, creative crafts, travel, and adventure... Please check them out- I'm sure you will find a new favorite!


  1. Well done on your award, I totally agree that the title fits your blog perfectly.
    I am humbled that you have mentioned my small and insignificant blog to many of your readers which at the moment hasn't even been out of my country yet. I recognise some of the others as followers and RSS feed, i think I might be making it into a little club !!

  2. Congratulations on your award and thank you for thinking of me. I consider it an honor that you would nominate my blog for this honor. Thank you.

  3. Hello! Congradulations and thanks for passing my link along :)

  4. Congrats on your award and thank you for thinking of me :-)



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Have a Fabulous Day!