November 17, 2010

Enjoying Tennessee

Our trip to Tennessee a couple of weeks ago was for the purpose of exploring the idea of relocating from Las Vegas.  So I am not going to have a lot of touristy posts about Tennessee.  But I would like to share some of the sites we enjoyed while we were there.

First let me start with a picture of my FAVORITE bird.  The Cardinal!  He was enjoying the seed we put out for him as an early morning breakfast.

We discovered while driving around looking at houses that Tennessee has quite a few Flea Markets.  We enjoyed poking around this one on Hwy 66 in Sevierville.

I just loved all the quaint Churches in this area.

And the festive holiday decorations are everywhere!

And my absolute favorite was the "Quilt Trail" that they have in this neck of the woods.  I was lucky enough to see about three barns, each with a different quilt pattern painted on them.  But I was only able to get a picture of one.  Isn't this the coolest idea?

I just love coming across the unexpected, don't you?


  1. I love the church photos :-)

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  3. I'm glad you discovered some of the reasons we enjoy living in eastern Tennessee.

  4. A very nice set of pics! Love the cardinal and love flea market too.
    Thanks for sharing;o)

    Have a nice weekend****


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