November 19, 2010

Enjoying Gatlinburg

During our house hunting in Tennessee a few weeks back, we did take one day to play tourists and enjoy some of what "Gatlinburg" has to offer.

One of the great things Gatlinburg has is a Trolley service (Gatlinburg Trolley information) The all day Trolley Pass can be purchased at all three Gatlinburg Welcome Centers, Gatlinburg City Hall and at the front desks of numerous Gatlinburg lodging companies.  We purchased ours at the Visitors Center where the parking is free and a ticket only costs $2.00 per person for all day!

First stop, breakfast!  There are so many places to have breakfast in this area and they all have the word "Pancake" on their signs.  With so many choices it was great that our realtor gave us a recommendation for "The Pancake Pantry".

Oh, I just had to have the Sweet Potato pancakes!!!!

No, I didn't eat them all!

We then headed over to a small ski lift in the middle of town to take the ride up a little mountain where we enjoyed the view of Gatlinburg and the Smokies.

Gatlinburg is a great place to just walk around and pop in and out of shops.  My favorite area for this was called "The Village".   Set in a quaint European village atmosphere with cobblestone paths and water fountains there are a collection of 27 unique boutiques, eateries, galleries and clothiers.

Even though it was just November 4, there were decorations throughout to let you know that Christmas is just around the corner!

 I do understand that the crowds can be crazy here in the summer and during the holidays. So we felt very relaxed and lucky to be here during this time of year.

If you would like to see some pictures, click here "Where's Debbie" and then click on the album "Enjoying Gatlinburg"


  1. tram, cablecar, tudor houses and pancakes... can never go wrong right? lucky you! am green with envy now

  2. Great tour and photos of Gatlinburg. Your photos brought back some nice memories of my trip there.

  3. Gatlinburg is a great place to visit when visiting the Smokies. We could spend several days there and not see it all. But your right -- at times it's wall-to-wall tourists.

  4. Lots of folks here go there to get away but I prefer our peace and quiet of the mts. A litte too commercial in Gatlinburg. I have heard great things about Chatanooga tho!

  5. Beautiful shots. It is nice to travel to places when the crowd is less.

  6. It must be interesting and unusual to see so many styles of European architecture in one shopping centre.

  7. What a gorgeous place! Those pancakes don't look bad either ;)


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Have a Fabulous Day!