February 5, 2014

Sharon & Sharyn's Great Canadian Adventure - Vancouver to Jasper

(By Sharyn and Sharon)

Our cruise ship from Alaska arrived in Vancouver Harbor early one June morning this summer.  The welcoming vista was a thin line of clouds hanging just above the horizon giving this Terminal City a sleepy look.  But sleepy is not what this beautiful city is about as we were soon to see firsthand.  

First order of business was checking into our hotel (do any hotels allow you to settle in early at 10 a.m.?)  Thankfully the Blue Horizon Hotel was a “find.”  This centrally located, privately-owned hotel is definitely competition for the big chains by providing larger rooms, fabulous views of the Strait of Georgia as well as our coveted free in-room WiFi.  It is located on Robson Street, the main downtown shopping street, making it easy for us to check off items on our "Gifts Purchased Lists" and then enjoy the gourmet coffee in the terrific restaurant downstairs. 

Then: time to be tourists!  The bus stop for several tourist attractions was just across the street so off we went on the Vancouver Trolley - and the next day the free bus to the Capilano Suspension Bridge. 

Capilano Suspension Bridge
Skywalk at Capilano

But today, Sharon was especially keen on visiting Stanley Park – and it did not disappoint.  Towering redwoods, the Lost Lagoon and Nature House, trains, totem poles, beaches and trails make it known around the globe as one of the world’s greatest parks.

Sharyn especially enjoyed the exquisite Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Chinese Garden and colorful Gastown (a mixture of trendy stores and eateries alongside souls who appeared stuck in the 60’s).                                                                                       

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Chinese Garden


The next day called for visiting the picturesque town of Victoria and the stunning Butchart Gardens on Vancouver Island.  In the afternoon the awesome Capilano Suspension Bridge beckoned us.  Even many faint of heart found this wonder irresistible and ventured across the span over rushing water and incredible forest.

Suspension Bridge
These next pictures are of the beautiful Butchart Gardens


Sharon and Sharyn

A half day at Grouse Mountain via the sky tram was another “must” we had to check off before departing Vancouver.  In one show birds of prey flew over the crowds to rejoin their trainers who provided fascinating lessons about each bird.  Grizzly bears also roamed in a natural habitat – including one playing in a large pond grabbing his toes!

Tomorrow we are off to Jasper!


  1. Great pictures Debbie! I loved my virtual traveling with you. I once went to Butchart Gardens several years ago, Victoria too and they were incredible. All the other places you went to I would love to go. A very enjoyable visit, thank you!

  2. You're very welcome! I have also been to Victoria and loved it! I didn't get to go to Butchart Gardens but would welcome the opportunity! This particular story and pictures are from a friend of mine who is posting on my blog as a guest! Thank you so much for your sweet comment! Hope to see you again soon!!


Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I love reading your comments!

Have a Fabulous Day!