May 27, 2012

Where Was I? - 1

So I thought I would try something new!
I will post pictures from places I've been and you try to guess where I took the pictures!
I will give you a hint, or two, to help you narrow down your guess.

I was out for a drive, just getting familiar with the new area.  Didn't want to drive where I had already been.  I've already mingled with the tourists walking along the River while watching Kayakers practice their techniques. It was too cold to go to the Lake, but not enough snow to ski!

This is what I saw!

Where Was I?

May 25, 2012

SkyWatch Friday - Solar Eclipse

Wow!  I've been gone for awhile from posting on my blog!  Whole new format!  So let's see if this works!

First of all, to all my followers, again, so sorry for not being very active here and for not sharing some of my great adventures.   I've been to some really great places since living here in Reno and I know you are going to love the stories, pictures and tips!!

Okay, time to share the Solar Eclipse as seen from my backyard in Reno!

Of course as soon as it was time to see the Eclipse the clouds decided to roll in!

All the pictures above were taken SOOC with no filters!

These next pictures, Stijn brought me a CD to use as a filter after reading about it on the internet.  He is such a thoughtful husband!!

Stella just didn't see what the big deal was....

I am particapating in "SkyWatch Friday"