May 25, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Let me apologize for not posting any stories lately of my travels while in Europe during the last 5 months.  But on May 12th I headed back to Las Vegas and I have been busy with doctors appointments, grandson's baseball games, catching up with friends and just general sprucing up around the house.

And now I have a wedding to plan!!!  Yes, Stijn and I will be married on July 9th, so plenty to get done before the big day!

I hope you will forgive me for being absent for so long and I promise I will have some more great stories about my trip, like our getaways to Paris, la Clusaz and Wimereux France, and Cologne Germany.

There's no place like home!

May 6, 2011

SkyWatch Friday - Wintery Sunrise

In February 2005 I was on my way to Oregon from Las Vegas for the Seafood Wine Festival in Newport.  I spent my first night in Susanville California and the next morning while driving on Highway 89, I couldn't resist pulling off to the side of the road and taking this picture.

I am participating in "SkyWatch Friday".  Join in the fun by clicking HERE

May 3, 2011

Durbuy, The Smallest Town On Earth!

A couple of weekends ago, we drove southeast of Brussels to a beautiful little place in the "Ardennes".  Durbuy's residents (only about 350) have dubbed themselves "The Smallest Town on Earth" .  But I must tell you, this little hamlet is packed with wonderful narrow cobblestone streets lined with shops and restaurants, and a castle that stands magestically on the banks of the Ourthe River.

The Ardennes is a region of Belgium you MUST visit when you're here.  The drive through this lush countryside just kept me saying, "oooh and awe" and sighing.

And a "Cheese Route"!!!!  Oh my, I'm in Heaven!

Must get to "Durbuy" though because we have plans to do some kayaking down the Ourthe River.  But first a little walk through this town where time seems to have stood still.

Oh if I could just figure out how to get some of this stuff back home to Las Vegas.

There were so many great options for lunch with all the wonderful umbrella covered terraces.  But I think we made a great choice!

After lunch we made our way to "LPM" where we rented ourselves a kayak for 10 euros each and started out on our 1 hour trip down the Ourthe River.

I've done some kayaking before, but never past a castle!

This little day trip was just what the doctor ordered, so peaceful and beautiful and relaxing!

And of course I have more pictures of our day for you to see.  Just click here "Where's Debbie" and then click on the album "Durbuy"