February 16, 2011

Watery Wednesday - Mont St Michel

On a trip to France in the Normandy region during January 2009, I was able to see one of the most magnificent structures I have ever set eyes on! Mont St. Michel.

I know there isn't a lot of water in this picture, but isn't it beautiful!
Lucky for us, the tide was out on this day.

After going through the Boulevard Gate and then the King's Gate, we walk along the "Grande Rue" (main street) with its museums, shops and houses dating from the 15th and 16th centuries.

Well this is starting to turn into a "story".  But if you would like to read about our day just click here

Now back to the water!  Here are a few more "watery" pictures.

Don't forget to check out some other magnificent "watery" photos over at "Watery Wednesday".  They will be glad you stopped by!


  1. I've always wanted to visit here, so I thank you for taking us along with you on your visit.

  2. Oh my this is breathtaking. When I am going to visit this place is beyond me ^_^ Thankfully, there are blogs like yours that I could freely see it. Thanks!!

    Watery Wednesday

  3. a gorgeous place and stunning pictures by you Debbie. Kind regards.

  4. It is so beautiful. I've been to France quite a few times, Paris, the Loire Valley, Bordeaux, Carcasonne, the Atlantic area, the French Riviera and the western side...but, thus far, I've missed Normandy. I hope I live long enough to visit there.

  5. thanks for the tour, this may be the only way i could see this place.


  6. This is a place that I have always wanted to go to but never quite made it. You have made it all the more appealing with the narrow streets and alleys shown in your images and post. Interestingly enough, there is another castle built on a rocky outcrop island called St Michaels mount near Penzance which i have to make do with instead a few years ago.

  7. Love that little tower in the last pic!

  8. I had the privilege of visiting here once many years ago. I did not see a lot of what you shared today. Thanks for taking me along on another little tour with you.

  9. A lovely tour, looks like a gorgeous place to visit. Wonderful photos, Debbie!

  10. You're kidding, right? Why, I think that top photo is outstanding!!! Tide or no tide, little or no water...it's just gorgeous. As are all the other photos.

    My Funny Thursday Theme Song "Tijuana Jail"

    Hope you're having a great day! Thanks for stopping by yesterday. Your company is always welcomed!!

  11. This is a great travel blog! Hope to see more from this blog...

    I'm your new follower... I'm new in blogging... maybe you could follow me back, thank you...


  12. Hi Debbie!
    thanks for stopping by my place..
    always nice to meet new folks!
    I see we have similiarities..
    we both are scorpios..
    we both share a love of travel..
    and Las Vegas is a favorite frequently visited place!
    will be there in late May!
    love the header photo!!
    read all your previous posts!!
    say hello to your newest follower!!
    warmest hugs..

  13. Beautiful photos! Oh how fun to travel the world. Oh, the sights you must see.Thanks for visiting me and telling me about your trip to Coupeville. The place where we stayed in the little cottage was Coupeville, I didn't put that in because I couldn't remember and I was in a hurry. I would love to go back, we live 3,000 miles away now.
    Hugs, Cindy

  14. I remember going there when I was a teenager. That was a long time ago! I'd love to go back...thanks for stopping by at my WW post.


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Have a Fabulous Day!