January 28, 2011

Lisbon - Expo 98

Because of a little problem I had trying to get my medication for my cancer through the mail, we were able to visit Lisbon not only once, but twice within 5 days.  Lisbon is only about a 2 hour drive north of Ferragudo and the last 10 miles takes us across the longest bridge in Europe "Vasco de Gama".

The cable-stayed main span of the bridge is 534.8-feet long, supported by 573-feet high pylons and 192 cables. The bridge was designed to withstand an earthquake four times greater than the 1755 earthquake that devastated Lisbon.

Vasco de Gama Bridge changes in form as it moves over the Tagus River into the horizon. The $1-billion bridge was completed on time for the opening of Expo'98 to accommodate visitors traveling by automobile from southern Portugal, Spain and other parts of Europe.

We had a great room in the "Tivoli Hotel" which is located in the heart of the waterfront area where the 1998 Expo took place from May to September 1998. 

 And this was our view! You can see the water and the Utopia Pavilion from our room. 
The 98 Expo prompted a major city renewal and the decaying industrial district was transformed into a beautiful waterfront.  Included among the outstanding projects at EXPO is the Oriente Terminal.

It consists of an inter-modal platform connecting metropolitan and regional trains with taxis and buses to the suburbs and metropolitan areas, contributing to the creation of a new center for the capital. The project features innovative design in steel frame truss assembly covered with a translucent glass roof, offering the passengers shelter from the elements and a panoramic view of EXPO grounds. The interior space includes a commercial area of about 19,000 square feet.

The main Pavilion of the 1998 Expo was transformed into a huge mall. The building currently holds many movie theaters, fashion shops, restaurants and bars.

Our next visit in a few days will be spent in the more historic area of this great city, Lisbon.

See more pictures at "Where's Debbie" in the album "Expo 98"


  1. interesting article .. in accordance with my studies .. thanks
    best regards

  2. That bridge is very beautiful, but then the architecture in this part of Lisbon is striking. Thanks for your beautiful pictures and for the information about Lisbon and the Expo.

  3. stay strong, you are very positive.

  4. I loved this tour of part of Lisbon!!!!

    Thank you for visiting with me this past week. Since I've not been around on the computer much I'm trying to stop by and visit with my blogging buddies today and sending along wishes for your upcoming week...that it be a happy one!!!

  5. That's an amazing and long bridge. It reminds me of where I am going next in my blog journey. It's fascinating to know that they built it to withstand an earthquake.


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