January 17, 2011

Alcalar Megalithic Monuments

While driving around the other day just north of Alvor we came across a sign that peaked my curiosity.

The little picture on this sign reminded me of "The Portal Tomb" I saw while visiting Ireland in 2003

Portal Tomb at Burren in County Clare Ireland 

So you see by the picture above, I thought for sure we would be seeing something very similiar.....NOT!

Apparently, in the third millennium BC, the focal point of the land stretching from the north of the Alvor inlet to the foot of the Mochique hills was a huge settlement located at the end of the once navigable Torre river.

Other small settlements grew up around this central location and megalithic funeral temples were gradually built on the surrounding low slopes.

Well this all still sounded very interesting, so we made our way to the Reception and Study Centre for the Monuments.  The price was right at 2 euros each to be able to walk among the funeral temples!  We started up the trail and came across the first temple.

You know I would have gone inside if I could, but the opening was very, very small

The picture below shows you the inside

We were able to take a peek inside from the top of the monument

Just ahead of us we can see another monument and walk over to take a look

Oh, there's that Portal Tomb similarity

Well that was it.....yep two monuments.  Average cost 2 euros per monument for two people.  It seems though that according to the brochure I picked up they actually list a total of 17 in the area.  So we drove around looking for more with no success.

If you are into this sort of thing, I mean really into it, then go ahead and check these ancient burial monuments out.  Otherwise, I would suggest enjoying the beautiful beaches and quaint villages of the Algarve.

There are a few more pictures to see by clicking "Where's Debbie" and then click on the album "Alcalar"


  1. Cool! I love exploring ruins. Learn something new every day :)

  2. While I usually enjoy visiting historical sites, in this case I think I'll stick with the beach.

  3. HI Debbie, Very different from the Portal Tomb --but unique in its own way; I could NEVER have gotten inside of that one!!!! ha

    Thanks for sharing.


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