December 7, 2010

Watery wednesday - Strasbourg France

Stijn had taken me to the Alsasce Region of France as a birthday surprise in October 2009.  On our drive back to Belgium we made a stop in the beautiful city of Strasbourg to stroll the cobblestone streets between the storybook buildings of  half-timbered houses. The pretty medieval houses of the district date from the 16th and 17th centuries, and half-timbering is magnificently decorated.

Towers and footbridges situated at the end of 'Petite France' are the Ponts-Couverts, one of the many famous tourist attractions in all of Strasbourg. Comprising three 13th-century towers, these ancient fortified remains owe their name to the series of roofed, wooden footbridges

Strasbourg, in eastern France, is the seventh largest city in France.  Strasbourg is the ultimate European city. It has flavors of both France and Germany, and sits right on the border of the two countries. In fact, Strasbourg has often changed hands between the French and Germans over the centuries.

See some more beautiful "Watery" pictures by clicking here "Watery Wednesday"


  1. Very picturesque! Now I want to visit Strasbourg.

  2. I really like this picture. The reflections are beautiful and the towers are fascinating.

  3. what a wonderful shot Debbie. I also love your header!

    Fish Conversation

  4. I love the European culture and it striving to keep history such as this...beautiful photo!!


    My link above for Watery Wednesday. Hope you can stop by for a visit and view. Happy day!!!

  5. Nice. We visited Colmar nearby many years back!

  6. Very pretty spot and well shot.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  7. come back to Strasbourg in April/May !!! That's better


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Have a Fabulous Day!