December 20, 2010

Marche de Noel in Lille France

Saturday my friend, Birgit and I headed to Lille France for the day to explore and enjoy the Christmas Market (Marche de Noel). To read more about this great Christmas Market, click HERE

We took the train from Kortrijk Belgium for the 30 minute journey into France!  I just love the idea of being so close to so many countries here in Europe!  "Oh, I think I'll go to France today!"   Why Not???!!!

It was a perfect wintery day, with a festive chill in the air and fresh snow atop the more then 80 wooden chalets that lined Place Rihour in the centre of town.

 The chalets were decorated so cute with lights, gingerbread men and several Christmas scenes.

I, of course must have and eat immediately, a beignet!

Now we did take some time out to have a real meal.  This sign made it easy to decide what I wanted for lunch!

A nice pot of mussels cooked in white wine!

We enjoyed walking around and taking in this beautiful city.

But the views from the ferris wheel were spectacular!

I was loving the views......

....while Birgit was holding on for dear life!

Time to warm up with some Vin Chaud and enjoy the view.

I have entirely way to many pictures to show you for this post.  But here are a few of my favorites!

Ok, I'll stop.....but if you would like to see more pictures just click this "Where's Debbie" and then on the album "Marche de Noel"

It was a fantastic day!  But it's time to call it a day and head back to the train station.

Happy Holidays!


  1. It looks like you had an incredible visit to France!!! How fun! The photos are incredible! Merry Christmas!!!

  2. both time in france it was during autumn, i need shift my plan abit after reading your blog

  3. 30 minutes to another country .. Wow. This looks good, i like your mix of pictures with the night ones at the end. The main Christmas market that I was going to this month was cancelled due to the bad weather.


Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I love reading your comments!

Have a Fabulous Day!