November 2, 2010

Tennessee Bound - From the Desert to the Rockies

As you may have figured out from reading my blog, I love to travel! I really don’t care where to or how I’m going to get there. It’s the journey, not (necessarily) the destination.

We decided to leave Las Vegas the afternoon of October 20th and get a jump start on our over 2,000 mile drive to the eastern part of Tennessee. Three hours later, we spent the night in Cedar City Utah.

So when we were planning a trip to Tennessee a couple of months ago, it was decided to make it a “Road Trip“. A date of October 22 was set to begin our journey, but in true “Debbie” fashion, we left 2 days earlier!

The next morning was our first long day of driving. Destination, Denver Colorado.

After heading north on I15, we did see some beautiful scenery driving west on I70 through the States of Utah and Colorado.

Fall is definitely in Utah!

While driving east through Utah, we found a great spot to stretch a bit and see some interesting rock formations.

Apparently, this is a hot spot for the Native Americans in the area to sell their handmade items to tourists.

I know that the colors of fall in the west can not compare with the colors we will soon be seeing in Tennessee, but you have to admit, these yellows of Colorado are gorgeous!

As we drove through the Rockies, it was evident that ski resorts may very well be opening soon.

A special treat for me after arriving in Denver was the chance to visit with a dear friend of mine. This was the first time in 37 years that we’ve seen each other.

I am reminded of a road trip we took to Provence France when I see the moon over the snow covered mountains of Colorado as I did in the Haute-Alps de Provence. (you can read that story by clicking here)

A great way to end the day……wouldn’t you say?

If you would like to see more pictures, just click "Where's Debbie" then click on the album "From the Desert to the Rockies"


  1. Great set of varied pictures on this journey and all the better for meeting someone you haven't seen in decades.

  2. Your last picture is absolutely fantastic. You saw some beautiful scenery and autumn color while on the road, but I hope you also found some here in Tennessee.

  3. you have some georgous yellows in there, just like my blog today! And of course two georgous old friends reuniting!

  4. Denver and Utah look lovely! And I just love that last mountain photo with the moon...


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Have a Fabulous Day!