October 5, 2010

Watery Wednesday - St Malo France

One of my favorite birthday presents from Stijn was a trip to the coast of France a couple of years ago.  In St Malo we had an amazing view from our room over looking the coastline.

We saw many beautiful places but the most fascinating was St Malo, which has one of the best known tidal ranges in the world.

The Bay of St Malo can pride itself to have one of the greatest Spring tides in Europe, thanks to its geographical position. Spring tides are especially strong tides (they do not have anything to do with the season Spring). When the Atlantic Ocean is caught in the bottleneck of the Channel, the sea waves rush through very quickly and at an extremely great force.  The tidal range is the difference between high and low tide - on average it is more than 40 feet around St Malo. 

So a walk to the Citadel was a fun challenge in the early morning!

By the end of our day, the tide was out and if you wanted, you could walk for miles out on the beach!

You can read about our trip to the coast of France by clicking here.

Don't forget to check out "Watery Wednesday" for some more fantastic watery pictures from around the world!


  1. My word! I've never seen anything like this, all those fancy houses right there! They must be very damp and musty with those waves right beside them!!! The pictures are beautiful, but it seems like an impossible living situation! Better to just visit.

  2. What a fabulous birthday present, Debbie. I can't imagine what will come next!
    You took some amazing shots of the shoreline.

    Re, my photo was taken in Florida. There are many rocky coastlines here.

  3. What a wonderful birthday present. The pictures of the waves crashing against the seawall are wonderful. But I like the beach at low tide as well.

  4. Oh My... Bet you all got wet wandering around there... What a fabulous place --and a great birthday I'm sure. That is interesting about the tides..... Wonder how dry those buildings on the water stay??????

    Glad you had a wonderful time. Looks like a wonderful place to visit.

  5. the waves are really rough. i love those fine white sand. we have the same sand on some beaches here. hope you could visit here someday. Philippines is a beautiful country.

    my entry is here. have a great day!

    by the way, i am now following this site.

  6. I love 'em!! Love 'em all. But I think my favorite is the 2nd one down from the top.

    My Watery Photo Link. Hope to see you come visit with me today.

  7. Very interesting pictures from St Malo. I haven´t been there. But I also love to travel.

    I have just traveled by car from Sweden to south of Spain. If you are interested you can see pictures from my travel at Europaresa = Europetravels

  8. WOW, Fantastic wonderful pictures from France!!

  9. Wow, awesome photos! The waves look rough, was there a storm?

  10. Wow looks like cold and the low and high tide are way beautiful. Happy Thursday!
    Watery Wednesday

  11. Indeed you had a perfect view from your room! It looks like an ideal vacation spot.

  12. That looks really nice; wish I could go.


  13. Amazing shots! Have a wonderful weekend, full of joy and happiness!

  14. Lovely shots!
    Now I feel like following you;o)
    Will you follow me too?

    I'll visit again*******


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Have a Fabulous Day!