September 29, 2010

Watery Wednesday - Kylemoore Abby Ireland

Kylemoore Abby in Ireland.....need I say more?
Tucked in the foothills out in the country, so serene and peaceful!

Click here "Watery Wednesday" to see some more fantastic watery pictures!


  1. This is a beautiful picture of a magnificent building. I've been to Ireland once and would really like to go again.

  2. I just had to click on this one to enlarge it! That's pretty fancy for an Abby! It looks like it's built right into the hillside! So beautiful with the lovely blue water in front and the hills in the back. I'm assuming they wouldn't let you enter?

  3. Wow Debbie.... That is an incredible place.... I love the entire setting. What a great place for an Abby. Great picture ---and perfect for Watery Wed.

  4. This is a huge Abbey - and as others have noted, it does look rather fancy. Lovely waterfront property, though!


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Have a Fabulous Day!