September 2, 2010

A Quiet Day on the Algarve

Even after a night of celebrating "Carnaval" and only returning home at 4:30am, I am awake by 8am.  The rain is just pouring down this morning (Feb 16), and I enjoy a hot cup of tea while sitting on the couch in front of the huge sliding glass doors watching the fury of this down pour.

But in true Algarve fashion, the rain stops, the clouds clear and the sun shines!  Perfect time to take a little morning walk to the town "Square" for a nice hot glass of "Galão".  I know, I'm addicted.

Now it is "Fat Tuesday" and much to our surprise, when we arrived at the square and took our usual seats, we were entertained by the children of Ferragudo dressed up in costumes.

It seemed the children were waiting to participate in a parade.  We took a little walk around and found two floats, no more, just we thought we were going to see a parade!  But how odd that there would only be two floats.

Well, this float was quite cute!  It took me a minute to figure out what the theme was......and then it hit me!

...........and Hell

Well, if a parade ever happened, we didn't see it.

The afternoon found us over at Alice and Sergio's for some more home cooked Portuguese food!
Did you really think there would be a post without food?

I am a big fan of food of different cultures!  And this meal is the perfect example of why.  Sergio is grilling Linguiça, a highly seasoned Portuguese pork sausage that is flavored with garlic and onions.  But he's not grilling on the BBQ!  It is very common here in Portugal to grill your Linguiça on a little clay dish over an open flame right on the dining room table!

How the heck cool is this??!!!  Everyone sitting around the table drinking wine and enjoying each other's company while you watch the main course being cooked right in front of you!

Another fabulous meal, dessert and all!

We ended the evening with a little drive to Portimão and enjoyed a nice cup of coffee while watching the sun set on our quiet day in the Algarve.

If you would like to see more pictures of our day, click here "Where's Debbie" and then click on the album "A Quiet Day in the Algarve"


  1. Kids and in parades; what a lot of colorful fun. :)

  2. I'm very interested in the non-parade! So strange. Did you ever find out what the point of it was? Perhaps put on by a local church or something? The food looks so good, and the cake so pretty, is that kiwi fruit around it? My little granddaughter has almost the exact same ladybug costume!

  3. Well---they don't celebrate like they do in New Orleans, do they???? ha.... When I lived in New Orleans (for 5 yrs)--we loved going to all of the Mardi Gras parades. If you haven't been there to see this, you need to go sometime..

    Great pictures... and that food looks interesting!!


  4. The kids are certainly cute in their costumes. It may have been a quiet day, but it sounds perfect to me, especially that meal you had. The sausage sounds delicious.

  5. The kids look so cute and happy dressed up in their costumes, Debbie.
    And now your delightful photos of the food has made me hungry once more..I'm getting fat already!


Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I love reading your comments!

Have a Fabulous Day!