August 17, 2010

Watery Wednesday - Fiji

This is a picture I took while visiting Fiji after a home exchange to Australia in December 2006.  I took a day trip to Bounty Island and there in the background you see what's left of the set from "Celebrity Love Island". 

I know, I never heard of it either.


  1. Very pretty rippling waters and what a lovely view!

  2. Wow the water is so clear and blue. Nice shot!
    Watery Wednesday

  3. Celebrity Love Island. Hilarious. I guess it never made it to prime time. Beautiful place though. I'd like to be there right now.

  4. Beautiful water, the color is just gorgeous.

  5. It looks so clear! I like your blog by the way. I was checking out your pics and we've been to so many similar places, but it looks like I'll have to get a move on if I were to try and keep up with you! :) Have a good one!

  6. I only see Fiji in Google Earth ... thanks for sharing.. i heard this is paradise ..
    My Watery Wednesday here

  7. This is a beautiful scene. I really like the water.

  8. Hi Debbie, are you using a DSLR camera? Nice pics!

  9. Lovely sky, cool blue water and white sand! great beach :)

    Good day!

  10. That's funny: celebrity love island! Love the color of the water. It would be fun to snorkel around in it. Interesting blog you have here! Happy travels!

  11. Fiji! WoW! Just look at that clear blue water - A paradise

  12. Hi Debbie, It's nice to meet up with a world traveler. I'm going to enjoy following your adventures.



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