August 29, 2010

It's Carnaval in Portugal!

"Carnaval" is Portuguese for "Carnival".  And today, February 15th, we need to figure out what we are going to dress up as for tonight's festivities!

Carnaval traditionally is the time for frivolity and feasting before lent begins. In this area, the Portuguese take the preparation quite seriously! It’s a show of the best of the best and there is a fun element of showing each other up in costuming.  And as you will see in the photos to follow, there were some pretty great costumes.

Here is a photo of part of our group before we headed out on the town for some food, drink, and dancing!

can you name these characters?
We arrived at "A Nossa Tasca" where about another 70 people where ready to celebrate the night away!  Tables where set up end to end in a U-shape so that everyone was able to visit while the pitchers of red wine and the endless trays of food kept coming. 

Yes, I'm going to talk about food again!  I learned quickly that the Portuguese are always thinking of their next meal, typically during the one their eating at the moment.  And I know why......the Portuguese food is sooooo very good!

Of course already on the tables were the traditional green olives and bread.  Tonight we enjoyed a bean stew with carrots and squid with rice, a salad, and platters of thin slices of pork.

I found that everyone was very friendly...........................

and others seemed to want to take control.............

But when the Pope entered the room everyone was on their best behavior!

It was a fun night as we danced the night away until 4:30am!

See more pictures by clicking "Where's Debbie" and then click on the album "Carnaval"


  1. Ha Ha Debbie.... Eating again, you say?????? OH--that celebration looks like so much fun... Love all of the costumes... Reminded me of Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

    Thanks for sharing..

  2. This looks like a wonderful evening of fun, food, frivolity, food and more food. Thanks for taking us along.

  3. Love the costumes - what great fun!


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Have a Fabulous Day!