July 27, 2010

Driving the Great Northwest - One Laugh after Another

Stop laughing!

So I'm sure that you are asking yourself, "Why in the world is Billings Montana one of your destinations while traveling the Great Northwest?"

I say "Why Not!"

Well actually Stijn was an exchange student here about 10 years ago or so, and while he is here in America on his extended visa he wanted to visit his host family.

We arrived on April 22 in plenty of time to settle in, get reacquainted and enjoy a fabulous meal with the Bough family!

One of the many things I didn't know about Billings is that they have some great comedian acts.  In fact our first night here we headed on over to "The Carlin Martini Bar and Nightclub" and laughed ourselves silly to the improv act of "Projectile".

We had so much fun here that the next night we went to "The R Club" at the Billings Hotel to see Alvin Williams and Morgan Preston.  Alvin was the opening act and was entertaining, but I have to tell you, when Morgan Preston hit the stage, my cheeks were hurting from laughing so hard!  A lot of what made him so funny to me was his style of in your face comedy.  But, when he mentioned a little town in the middle of no-where Nevada called "Tonopah", I absolutely lost it!

Of course when he mentioned Tonopah I had to blurt out "I used to live there!"  Which he replied "What the #?*! for?"  He then continued his story leaving out details to which I knew I needed to fill in....like the Mizpah Hotel where he got off of the Greyhound bus.

(photo courtesy of TonopahNevada.com)

Needless to say he continued to heckle me a little bit more throughout his performance. But he really was a nice guy and even let me have my picture taken with him.


I certainly never expected to be in Billings Montana and be listening to a comedian making jokes about Tonopah!

Who Knew?

Click here if you would like to see a few more pictures

July 11, 2010

Driving the Great Northwest - Off to Montana

Sorry this post is soooooo late!  I have been met with the challenge of Melanoma and it has set me back even more than I already am with my posts about our fantastic trip through the great northwest!  So I figured it's time to catch up a little bit more before I have some surgery and start treatments.

Let's go back in time a little bit to April 21, and put ourselves on the road leaving from Vancouver Washington and making our way to Billings Montana.  First stop, Missoula Montana.  Our route takes us through the magnificent "Columbia River Gorge".  I never tire of traveling this portion of I-84 that travels along the second largest river in North America. It is so beautiful with the waterfalls of Oregon on my right.......

 and the Columbia River on my left which creates the border between Oregon and Washington.

We arrived in Missoula just in time for dinner, so we decided to check out what "Historic Downtown Missoula" had to offer.  With a recommendation from a very nice lady we met while parking our car, we took the short walk to "The Iron Horse Brew Pub" located at 501 N. Higgins.  This place had a typical Western feel to it with it's wood beams and rustic decor.  They had a nice side patio, where of course we needed to be!  The food was nothing to exciting and the only thing I really have to comment on is the Sweet Potato fries!  Remember I had some great Sweet Potato fries at "Casa Nyranja" in Portland, and I was thinking that everyone made them that way.....WRONG!  These were so skinny, and quite flavorless.

Well it had been a long day so we headed back to our room at the "Mountain Valley Inn", which by the way is really within walking distance to Historic Downtown.  After a good nights sleep, and some breakfast in the lobby of our hotel, we were on the road again!

Next stop, Billings Montana!