April 7, 2010

Driving The Great Northwest - Let's Go Crabbing!

It is absolutely beautiful in Coos Bay Oregon this morning!  The sun is shining and there isn't a cloud in the sky.  This is very unusual for this time of the year on the coast of Oregon and we are going to take advantage of it by doing a little crabbing before we continue on our road trip today to Vancouver Washington.

A great place to crab in this area is at the Charleston Marina.  So after a little breakfast we head on over to Charleston to get our 3 day crabbing license, a couple of crab rings and two pieces of frozen chicken for our bait.  Yes crabs love chicken!

As we make our way down to the docks to pick our spot for some morning crabbing we are forced to pick another spot because there are some sea lions sunning themselves right where we want to crab.  They seemed very disinterested in us but I'm sure once we started pulling crab up they would have quickly become our new best friends.

Stijn has never crabbed before so a little lesson from me based on the limited knowledge that I have, Stijn is ready to throw in the first crab ring of the day.

Well the first thing we discovered was that my instructions for leaving the ring in for only about 5 minutes was incorrect.  As Stijn brings up the first ring, we see we have no crabs.

The day wasn't a total loss however.  We did get some crabs........................

........and even some starfish!

Well 4 hours has gone by and we must get on the road.  It's another 200 miles before we reach Vancouver Washington. 

We do make a few quick stops along the way however, it's just too pretty not to.  At "Cape Perpetua" we stopped and took a look at the "Devil's Churn" 

and then in Newport we had some dinner at "The Chowder Bowl" in  "Historic Nye Beach".

Well it's just about 9pm and we have arrived in Vancouver Washington!  Our home for the next 2 weeks.

If you would like to see more pictures of our day just click here "Where's Debbie" and then click on the album "Let's Go Crabbing!"

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