April 14, 2010

Driving The Great Northwest - Cape Disappointment

It's another beautiful day here in the Northwest and we are going to take advantage of it today.

One of the many great things about home exchanging that I love is that your hosts leave several pamphlets, booklets and maps on things to see and do in the area.  Something I found while looking through everything was a place I knew I had to see, "Cape Disappointment".  Why?  Because there is not only one lighthouse there, but two!!!

After heading about 40 miles north on Interstate 5, we then start due West on US30 for 50 miles to "Astoria Oregon".  A few of you might remember some of the great movies that were filmed here like "Kindergarden Cop", "Free Willy I & II", "Short Circuit", and my favorite "Goonies". 

With only about 20 more miles to get to Cape Disappointment Washington, we now drive over the mouth of the Columbia River where it enters the Pacific Ocean on US101.  

This is such a cool drive right over the top of the water!

At the end of the bridge we are back in the State of Washington and within minutes we have parked and we are ready to see the first lighthouse!  We first see the keepers duplex houses right from the parking lot.  You can actually stay overnight in one of them and the other is for park personnel.  Click 'here' for information on rentals.

We then follow a very short trail to the "North Head Lighthouse".  

It's said that North Head is one of the windiest places in the United States, and today is no exception.

So we make our way back down to the "Cape Disappointment Historic District's scenic loop" and head for lighthouse #2.  We took the North Jetty Road and found a great spot to stop and take pictures of the "Cape Disappointment Lighthouse", and it wasn't windy down here at all!

Okay, I need to get closer!  And lucky for me there is a beautiful trail to the top of that lighthouse!

This reminded me alot of my hikes in the rainforests in Australia on my last home exchange in May of 2009.  We also pass a beautiful little spot called "Deadman's Cove".

And then there it is...."Cape Disappointment Lighthouse"!

The views from here are spectacular!

It's been a georgous day and it was wonderful to get out and explore and do a little hiking.  And then to top it all off, on our way home we stumble upon an old covered bridge!  Another absolute favorite of mine!

I would say that today was not a disappointment at all!  How about you?

If you would like to see more pictures of our day just click here "Where's Debbie" and then click on the album "Cape Disappointment"


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