January 30, 2010

A Home Exchange to Portugal

Oh how I love home exchanging!!!

On November 20th 2009 I received an inquiry for a home exchange from a family in Portugal. It was actually a quite desperate one as they had an exchange confirmed with some other people here in Las Vegas, but ended up cancelling the exchange just a few days earlier.

So lucky for me, the family from Portugal contacted me through "HomeExchange.com" after reading my listing and took the chance that I would be able to do this exchange on such short notice.

Of course I can!!! Why? Because they wanted to come to Las Vegas on December 27th and stay until January 4th. And if you have been following this blog and read my last post, you know that I would be leaving Las Vegas on December 28th for 2 months. So this exchange works out perfect for both of us.

The exchange had the flexibility of a non-simultaneous exchange which means that I can go to Portugal at a later date. So I thought that I would take advantage of my half of the exchange sometime in the fall of 2010. But then Stijn was looking at airfares to Portugal and found some ridiculously low fares from Brussels to Portugal during the time that I would be in Brussels. So guess where we will be going on February 11th? Yep, "Ferragudo Portugal" for about 2 weeks. And the best news is that we will be there for Carnival!! That's Mardi Gras people!!

Well on December 27th I went to the aiport and picked up my family from Portugal and brought them back to my house and showed them where their "Home" would be for the next week.

I wasn't flying out until the evening of December 28th, so I was able to take them up to Mt. Charleston for a little lunch. They loved the snow as they don't get any of the white stuff in Ferragudo.

I hope you keep checking back here on my blog to see how my home exchange went to Portugal!


  1. Debbie, looks like you are not having "spacing between the photos" issues in blogspot. Are you still using the old version of editor? My spacings always go messed up.

    Anyway, the home exchange seems to me like a good idea. It's something new for us in Malaysia.

  2. I'm not sure what version I'm using, I've never updated anything. So unless it does it on it's own, everything is the same since I started this blog back in January 2009.

    Home exchanging is a wonderful way to see the world! It has given me the opportunity to see some fantastic places that I may not have seen otherwise.


Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I love reading your comments!

Have a Fabulous Day!