November 5, 2009

Volleyball In Belgium

My first day in Belgium was certainly a busy one yesterday. So it was nice to just be able to relax today before Stijn's volleyball game tonight.

To be able to watch Stijn play volleyball is a real treat for me. He has played for several years and I've only been able to hear about the games for the past year.

It's 6:00pm and game time! We are Rokavo and we are playing against Beerlanders Beernem.

Way to get after that ball!

And we win that one!

But in the end Beerlanders Beernem beat us 3-2.

Tomorrow is another big day. We are headed to Oudenaarde for the Koppenbergcross Cycle Race 2009!

To see more pictures of the game just click here "Where's Debbie" and then click on the album "Volleyball in Belgium"

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