February 19, 2009

Europe In 30 Days - Off to Provence via Germany

Well it's January 9th and we are headed off to Provence for our home exchange!
But we are stopping in Kaiserslautern Germany to stay the night with a dear friend of mine before making the long drive to Provence. Tennille and her husband Pat are from Las Vegas and are now living in Kaiserslautern and they have invited Stijn and I to stay the night to help break up our trip to Provence.
Tennille and I met at the gym in spin class this past year and we became very good friends. And then go figure, she ups and moves to Germany.
Right after Stijn and I arrive bearing great Belgium beer and chocolates for our hosts, we all head out to dinner. Hmmmm, where shall we go? Italian, Thai, Chinese, Mexican? I am in Germany people, I want German food in a German restaurant! But you probably already guessed that, huh? So Tennille being the great friend that she is and Stijn who just always wants to make sure I'm happy agree with my theory. Pat and Tennille suggest a restaurant that they have been to before and had really enjoyed. So without making any reservations we head to St. Marteen, a traditional German restaurant in the St. Martin Platz. This is a perfect typical German restaurant with low wood beamed ceilings, wooden floors, pictures all over the walls and a great bar as soon as you walk through the door. Now the downside to not having reservations is that we had to wait well over an hour to be seated. The upside was we got to sit in the bar and have some German beer and catch up with each other.
Two beers later, we are finally seated for dinner. Knowing how much I love to try different types of food, Tennille is emphatic about (in her words) the "anything but typical" onion soup as an appetizer. Oh my gosh! This was a great twist on a French Onion Soup. A whole lot more cheese and a lot less bread. Well we all order our dinner and I think that I am the only one who orders a typical German meal. Pat had a curry chicken dish, Tennille had pasta with salmon, and Stijn also had a pasta dish. So here comes mine. Meat, potatoes and gravy.....of course the name of my meal escapes me now. I know what you're thinking, Debbie, you don't even like to eat meat, potatoes and gravy. I say "When in Germany, eat like the Germans"! Now another must have is some Apfelstrudel (apple strudel). So who has dessert? The girls.
Our day comes to a close back at Tennille and Pat's apartment, sipping on some hot Gluhwein and sampling the Belgium chocolates.
If you would like to see pictures of our German night out just go to Wheres Debbie and click on the "Germany" album.

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