January 20, 2009

Europe In 30 Days - Day 1

 My trip to Europe is a very special one. This time I am full of excitement for a different reason. I am going to be spending a month in Europe with the most amazing person I have ever met.....Stijn.

I land in Brussels on Dec 27th at 7:30am and Stijn is there to pick me up and we waste no time and hit the ground running.

I have always wanted to be in Europe during Christmas time to see the Christmas Markets. So tonight that is exactly what we do. We start out in the Grand Place to see the light show and the life size creche. From here we head out to explore some 240 wooden chalets that are dotted around the Bourse (Stock Exchange), Place Sainte Catherine and the Marche aux Poissons (fish market) and are filled with crafts, prepared foods, cheeses, meats, pastries, chocolates, drinks....Good God Man I am in Heaven! So now starts a night of endless sampling of traditional foods of the region and some must have Gluhwein! That is hot wine people!! Now you know I'm happy!! When I travel I love to eat and drink all the wonderful foods you just don't get back in the Good 'ol USA. I guess that explains why I am always hitting the gym extra hard when I get back home. We stumble upon a chalet serving up crepes made while you wait and I must have one, right? Of course.

And then Stijn walks us up to a chalet that dishes up a wonderful hot bowl of Tartiflette Savoyarde, a French potato type of soup/stew. Now we continue walking past all these wonderful displays of "Food" and I am ready for another Gluhwein!! Gotta stay warm somehow, right? We head over to the outdoor ice skating rink and a farris wheel where Stijn indulges me with yet another wonderful Belgian delicacy. Boudin Blanc. A sausage soaked in milk and grilled on a flat service with plenty of onions and served up in a crusty "bun" to small for the Boudin.

We end our evening stuffed full of wonderful food and warmed from the inside out with Gluhwein!

Want to see more pictures of our night at the Christmas Market? Just visit "Wheres Debbie" and click on the Christmas Market album.

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Have a Fabulous Day!