November 13, 2008

Home Exchanging

Check my blog often to see where my next home exchange has taken me. Maybe somewhere you have heard of, and maybe not. See pictures and get my favorite picks for sites, restaurants, pubs, routes, beaches, etc.
I promise you this will be exciting and you are gonna want to pack your bags and go!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debbie

    Happy New Year - and happy home exchanging in 2009!

    I hope that you will consider a home swap to my adopted country some time - England. As the pound is even lower in value than the US dollar, now is a great time to come over!

    Our agency, Home Base Holidays, has been operating a home exchange service from London since 1985 (and now also runs Guardian home exchange for a major UK newspaper group) and so has a great choice of exchange offers here, as well as in 65+ countries worldwide). I also publish a blog, Travel the Home Exchange Way, and would welcome your comments and any suggestions for topics.



Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I love reading your comments!

Have a Fabulous Day!